The Best Learn

Well actually for the first day, I saw my self lied down, and sad. How fool I was. But I tried to learn that tears in my eyes didn't help me to solve the problem, and survived from it. Well, to forget someone you love, someone you heart, aren't easy to do. But you've to try, you've to stand and fight throughout the world!

I must go on, cause life won't be stop just because of HIM/HER!
I'm just too young being like this, feeling so sad, and is just annoying.
We, as a teenager still have many ideals to be grabbed, and make your beloved peoples who loves you smile at the end, and make them proud of us, we have to!

And from the book "La Tahzan - Jangan Bersedih" I have learn much more about life.
Here are several sub-titles which are content in that book and being my favorite ones:
1. Pikirkan dan syukurilah!
2. Yang lalu biarlah berlalu
3. Hari ini adalah hari Anda

From the sub-titles above, I have to keep my self on spirit, with this words:
"Kuburlah masa lalu sedalam-dalamnya hingga ia tidak akan kembali lagi, dan tutup rapat sehingga celahnya tidak terbuka lagi, bahwasanya saya menatap masa depan yang menunggu saya, dan saya bukan orang bodoh yang hanya bisa memikirkan masa lalu"

But we should have to pray the best for people around us, don't you ever have a revenge. Because it can't solve our problem guys!

The best learn I ever had..
Thanks for Allah SWT, and You the one who loves me :) I'm just pray the best for you..

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Free as a bird...

Free as a bird,
It’s the next best thing to be free as a bird . Home, home and dry, Like a homing bird I fly, as a bird on wings.

Whatever happened to the life that we once knew. Can we really live without each other?
Where did we lose the touch? That seemed to mean so much. It always made me feel so free as a bird.

Free as a bird, it’s the next best thing to be...
Free as a bird



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Quotes of The Day

Moreover, I have my special Quotes for today
simply but sure.

Dreams pass into the reality of action. 
From the actions stems the dream again; and this interdependence produces the highest form of living. 

Another one is :
To me, photography is the simultaneous recognition, in a fraction of a second, of the significance of an event

 Well, those of all to me, are like life's motivator..


irma :)

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Saturday Night :D

I had nice Saturday Night with Dara, and Arief at Paris Van Java.
Just straighting to be being at Red Bean.
While waiting for the foods which we had ordered, we took some photos (freak) before-at the time-after.

Dara was so serious :))

Terribly me ;)

Dara's coolest style!



yeaaaaaay after already finished dinning, we starighted to go ahead, and again!
we took more lovely photos to share, i love it, everyone loves camera (sure?)

Anak Sawah PVJ!

So cuteeee siblings were they!


Be-be-gig ;)

Could be the last one, but sure not!

Those all I had, well I was so happy :)



irma :)

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Yuhuuuu !

yuhuuu Already Got 100 visitors, it has been so fast!
only 5 days less, I already got more than 50 visitors :) lovely!

Thanks for reading readers!
lovee yaaa :*


irma :)

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Blip Blip *

Well, actually I'm on bad mood now
so it's lazy for me to write down something happens, or anything to become a story
ya maybe lately if my moody back to normal against this blog
catch y'all
have your nice day!

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Slighted Tasks :D

These are several tasks for those which were slighted and being ignored by me, foolish :D !

1. English task from my beloved teacher Mrs.Rochani, she gave us a task about notes! grrrr, and until now, I have been just writing for 1 page, for 1 day, that is Saturday! :D cool me, and for left behind, I'll do like 'composing somethin' hehehe..

2. Tasks from my course, E****B, DO for 75 QUESTIONS! ANSWER WITH THE LOGICAL REASONS! fufufufu -,-

3. Tasks from Mrs.Rossi, yes I love her, she's the best Mathematic's teacher! she gave us several exercises for the Period Exams soon :s

Hopefully, I can do those all ASAP, before I have BACK TO SCHOOL :(

love yaaaaa,
Irma :*

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Phrase isn't often true.

Kenapa gw pilih titlenya 'Phrase isn't often true'?
karena ini emang sesuatu yang lo dan gw sadarin semua untuk menjadikan kita lebih dewasa dan berpikir luas untuk salah satunya dari masalah ini.

Awal gw bisa ngerasain ini, mulai dari gue selalu terbayang akan masa lalu gw, pada saat Ayahanda gw tercinta meninggal, dan berlanjut sampe sekarang, dihari lebaran yang sangat sepi tanpa almarhum, ditambah kekecewaan gue sama ya adalah seseorang, dia temen gw, terkadang gw merhatiin dia dan kadang suka berpikir "Emangnya lo ngerasa lo kah yang sekarang diatas heeey?"
tapi batin dan logika gw jalan, ngapain juga gw mesti ngurusin bgt kehidupan dia, toh segalanya sudah ada yang ngatur, Allah SWT. Ya just left it, next...

Gw udah merasa nyaman dengan perubahan sikap dalam diri gw, yang jd lebih mature, pasti kata mature atau dewasa sudah bisa tergambar dalam aspek2nya, dan seiring perubahan gw ini, gw juga sudah merasa nyaman dengan jilbab gw dan gw terus berdoa dihindarkan darr segala godaan yang ada. Gw pun menemukan arti seorang 'Teman' dan 'Sahabat' dan mungkin signal 'Pacar' hahaha..

Gw belajar banyak dari segala perubahan dalam diri gw sedikit demi sedikit, ternyata banyak sebuah ungkapan yang bisa gw tangkep dan banyak yang salah kaprah salah satunya adalah:

1. Teman adalah segalanya : berarti teman adalah sapek utama yang paling penting, padahal kalo diteliti sih yaa, ungakapn itu akan bisa lebih diperbaiki jika ada perbandingannya. menurut gw yang paling itu adalah keluarga, dan terkadang orang berpikiran sempit untuk takut ga punya temen, karena ga punya temen tuh bisa faktor dari kita ataupun orang lain, itu sih pintar2 kita bagaimana bisa berkomunikasi dengan orang lain, yang sama2 bakal buat nyambung.

Gw cuma mau ngasih pesen buat lo semua yang udah baca blog gw ini :

jangan pernah takut buat mengekspresikan segala yang lo punya, jangan takut diklaim selagi lo masih punya sesuatu yang kreatif dalam diri lo, dan jangan pernah lo ngerasa lebih rendah dari yang lain, karena mereka akan nganggep lo lebih rendah dari yang lo pikirin, dan jangan pernah mengemis untuk sesuatu hal yang benar, tunjukin kalo lo bisa beda dari yang LAIN!

much love,
Irma :)

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First Post (against layout)

Horeeee FISRT POST yang mungkin tidak diakui yaaa, tapi ya sehabis me-repair layout sy, sy anggap ini first post, dan re-delete all old posts :D
meskipun belum puas dengan layoutnya tp yaa gpp deh, yang penting posting masih bisa nyaman :)

well everyone,

irma and family!

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